Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Back in the Land of the Living

I can't believe I have let myself go so long without posting.  Obviously I need to get into a better routine for posting, or what's the point, right?  The main problem is that 2 weeks ago I got sick and I didn't really start feeling better until last week.  I missed 3 days of work and had to try 2 different antibiotics before my symptoms started improving.  I can't remember the last time I was sick enough to miss so much work! 
Thankfully I am feeling much better now, but I find myself playing catch-up on things I didn't get done while I was under the weather.  Things like laundry (5 loads done on Saturday, check...but still waiting to be folded, ugh) and cleaning my entire disgusting house.  I am probably going to horrify some people but I can actually go to bed without my house being clean.  I can leave dirty dishes in the sink for several days.  Clutter can pile up on my dresser, coffee table, and chair for several weeks before I go through and put everything in its place.
My mom didn't raise me that way, and I would say I'm not proud of myself to admit that (is there a 12 step program for needing to be better at housekeeping?) but that's the reality.  I DO clean (I'm not qualified for "Hoarders", thank god) just not as often as I probably should.  On the weekends I try to get caught up, because honestly, the last thing I want to do on a weeknight is chores.  So when I have a "bad" weekend, I can really fall behind on keeping up with the cleaning.  The only time my whole house is clean is when company is coming.  Otherwise, there is ALWAYS something waiting to be cleaned.  Maybe I need to hire a maid...
Hopefully by the time this weekend is over my house will be more in a "maintenance" place instead of "it's almost so gross I need to go to a hotel" place.  So, have I completely scared you off by now?  I hope not!  =)
I'm off to fold some laundry!